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Why Hollywood is Falling in Love with Secret Celebrity Weddings


Why Hollywood is Falling in Love with Secret Celebrity Weddings

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single male celebrity in possession of a good fortune and/or recurring primetime role must be in want of a famous wife. Whether it’s a romance, a fauxmance, or whatever Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift were doing, relationships between celebrities have consistently blurred the lines between the personal and the professional. Examples include Drake and J. Lo briefly synchronizing their social media accounts in order to promote new music and Beyoncé and Jay Z teaming up to collaborate, copulate, and usher in the messianic age. Of course, there are non-fame related reasons for A-listers to couple up: love, homosexuality, and the Church of Scientology, to name just a few. Then there’s the simple fact of proximity—if you trap two beautiful, shiny-toothed people together on a movie set or at a VIP table, chances are they’ll be popping out kids and naming them after produce in no time.

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