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The Retirement Gamble – Americas Retirement Crisis

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The Retirement Gamble (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE Investigates the Big Business of Retirement

Will your IRA or 401K accounts ensure a safe retirement? FRONTLINE investigates the big business of retirement, raising troubling questions about how America’s financial institutions protect our savings. (Aired 2013)
Trillions of dollars in Americans’ retirement savings are invested in large and small accounts managed by banks, brokerages, mutual funds, and insurance companies. But whether your IRA or 401K will assure a safe retirement is largely a gamble. In the 2013 documentary “The Retirement Gamble,” producers Martin Smith and Marcela Gaviria build off reporting from the groundbreaking series “Money, Power and Wall Street,” revealing how fees, self-dealing, and kickbacks bring great profits to Wall Street while imperiling the prospects of a secure future for individuals. The documentary explores who has the consumer’s best interests in mind, and whether there is a better way to manage our retirements.
Credit to : PBS news

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