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Stealing unknown Advanced Equipment from a Mysterious Radar Station

Stealing unknown Advanced Equipment from a Mysterious Radar Station

Stealing unknown Advanced Equipment

Those who were chosen for the special mission had been waiting for days. The training and rehearsals had been completed, and the men were ready to take on the Germans. Everything was going according to plan, and Major John Frost was satisfied with the current conditions: little to no wind for the parachutists, good nighttime visibility for the Air Force, and the right tide for the Navy. On February 27, 1942, the last night of the mission window, the men of C Company embarked for France on board converted Whitley bombers. There was a lot of tension in the air, as the British desperately needed a win. Operation Biting called for them to steal unknown advanced equipment from a mysterious German coastal radar installation that was believed to be key in guiding Luftwaffe nighttime fighters toward British bomber formations. At last, the rookie soldiers readied their parachutes and valiantly jumped out of their aircraft into Bruneval. There was a lot at stake, and it was now or never…

Credit Dark Docs

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