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Social Engineering in Australia

Social Engineering in Australia
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Australia News

Government is there to protect you. Keep you safe. Build you hospitals. Level the playing field and create jobs. Lol. For an institution that is only there for our ‘good’, there sure is a lot of coercion, force, nudging, interventions, lies, bribes… It’s almost as if they primarily exist for their own survival (like a parasite) and citizen wellbeing is a mere pamphlet.

A slogan. A ‘cool story bro’. If we look at socially engineering governments around the world such as California, USA, we see what happens when a parasite (or infectious disease) overplays its hand. It’s critical that a parasite does not kill or maim its host too soon before it can evolve and/or propagate, and the most successful diseases are those that live in relative harmony with their host, keeping symptoms below a threshold to evade surveillance, or at least evade an evolutionary dead end.

We can only welcome the madness at this point. May it come hard and fast so all will see the true nature of those that ‘serve’ us.

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