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Russia’s Plan to Militarize Space: Terrifying Implications Of A Nuclear Weapon

Russia’s Plan to Militarize Space: Terrifying Implications Of A Nuclear Weapon
Russia's Plan to Militarize Space: Terrifying Implications Of A Nuclear Weapon

Russia’s Plan to Militarize Space: Terrifying Implications Of A Nuclear Weapon

In a recent development, it has been revealed that Russia could have launched a nuclear weapon into space, a move that goes against the 1969 Space Treaty. This treaty prohibits the militarization of space in any form. The implications of such an act are deeply alarming, with potential consequences for US national security. One of the main concerns surrounding a nuclear weapon in space is the possibility of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that could disable satellites and other crucial infrastructure. While military satellites are designed to withstand such an event, there is still uncertainty about their resilience. This could have severe implications for the United States’ ability to protect itself and gather vital intelligence. Another worrisome aspect is the shortened response time in the event of a nuclear attack. Currently, the US president has approximately ten minutes to launch a counterattack if a missile is launched from a Russian submarine. However, if a nuclear warhead is already in space, this response time is significantly reduced to a matter of minutes. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of the decision-making process and the ability to protect the country in a timely manner.

Credit to : Talk TV

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