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Iran Vs Israel: Desperate USA Trying To ‘Buy’ Arab Support? Biden’s Huge U-Turn On Saudi Weapon Ban

Iran Vs Israel: Desperate USA Trying To 'Buy' Arab Support? Biden's Huge U-Turn On Saudi Weapon Ban

Iran Vs Israel: Desperate USA Trying To ‘Buy’ Arab Support? Biden’s Huge U-Turn On Saudi Weapon Ban

The US has decided to lift ban on the sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia amid rising support for Iran ever since the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31. Reporters citing a US official reported that the weapons sales, like air-to-ground munitions, could resume as early as next week. Watch INTERNATIONAL NEWS #us #saudiarabia #iran #weapons #sale #offensiveweapons #biden #mohammedbinsalman #yemenwar #yemen #houthis #haniyeh #hamas #hamaschief #assassination #israel #middleeast #gaza #gazawar

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