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Germany’s Secret Last Army

Germany’s Secret Last Army
Germany's Secret Last Army

Germany’s Secret Last Army

Severely weakened and crushed by two overwhelming forces, what remained of the Wehrmacht by December of 1944 continued to defend the crumbling empire. The Allies had calmly settled near the German border after breaking from Normandy, and they knew Germany had lost the war. Many US soldiers on the front lines were replaced with new recruits, who saw the task almost like a vacation. Bernard Montgomery, Commander of the 12th Army, went as far as to say: (QUOTE) “The inadequacies of German manpower, equipment and resources precluded any offensive action on their part.” However, on the night of December 15, the green US GIs began to hear unsettling sounds, mechanical growling, and isolated gunfire in the distance; but with no experience to assess the situation, they did nothing.

Credit Dark Docs

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