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Did you ever think this is how Trump would END UP WINNING!?

Did you ever think this is how Trump would END UP WINNING!?

Did you ever think this is how Trump would END UP WINNING!?

Biden couldn’t even remember to sign up for the election in 18 states. However, stupid Republicans fought harder to get Biden on the ballot than for Trump in the Colorado case. – A.J. Rice, founder of Publius Publishing, discusses Biden’s team forgetting to get him on the ballot in Ohio and Republicans’ efforts to ensure a fair race. – Rice reacts to Congresswoman Blunt Rochester’s claim that Americans can’t see Biden’s accomplishments due to their own struggles. – Rice critiques Biden’s approach to retaining the black vote by portraying them as victims rather than offering charm or commitment. – Rice talks about his new book, “The White Privilege Album,” describing it as part satire, part journalism, and part truth serum, similar to “The Woking Dead.” – Rice highlights Biden’s comments at Morehouse College and in Philadelphia, questioning his strategy of speaking to black Americans. – Rice reflects on Biden’s policies and the self-created inflation from passing several trillion-dollar spending packages. SEO keywords in this video: Kash Patel, Liz Wheeler, Hillary Clinton emails, Epstein clients, Mayorkas border invasion, Pelosi insider trading, Hunter Biden, Biden China connections, Whitmer kidnapping, Jan 6th, Peter Strzock, Lisa Page, FBI weaponization, Fauci gain-of-function, COVID-19 virus, Cuomo nursing home deaths, Pfizer mRNA safety, Moderna mRNA safety, Planned Parenthood controversy, Trump conviction, Trump fundraising, Trump supporters, RINO criticism, Judge Merchan investigation, Alvin Bragg, DOJ fairness, Jim Jordan, Trump jailing, RNC convention, Trump Tower supporters, legal action against criminals, Biden DOJ, Trump felon candidacy, government gangsters, Kash Patel book, Republican candidate, Trump legal issues, election fraud, Trump corporation case, Steve Bannon case #KashPatel #LizWheeler #HillaryClintonEmails #EpsteinClients #MayorkasBorderInvasion #PelosiInsiderTrading #HunterBiden #BidenChinaConnections #WhitmerKidnapping #Jan6th #PeterStrzock #LisaPage #FBIWeaponization #FauciGainOfFunction #COVID19Virus #CuomoNursingHomeDeaths #PfizerMRNASafety #ModernaMRNASafety #PlannedParenthoodControversy #TrumpConviction #TrumpFundraising #TrumpSupporters #RINOCriticism #JudgeMerchanInvestigation #AlvinBragg #DOJFairness #JimJordan #TrumpJailing #RNCConvention #TrumpTowerSupporters #LegalActionAgainstCriminals #BidenDOJ #TrumpFelonCandidacy #GovernmentGangsters #KashPatelBook #RepublicanCandidate #TrumpLegalIssues #ElectionFraud #TrumpCorporationCase #SteveBannonCase Credit to : Stephen Gardner

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