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Celebs are Losing MILLIONS of Twitter followers for THIS Reason

Celebs are Losing MILLIONS of Twitter followers for THIS Reason

Celebs are Losing MILLIONS of Twitter followers for THIS Reason

Twitter is partaking in little a summer cleaning and it’s targeting a number of inactive or suspicious Twitter accounts. If you’re an active Twitter user, chances are, you’re definitely going to survive the purge, but a number of others aren’t so lucky.
Now, a Twitter purge won’t affect the average user too much since we all probably won’t see a huge dip in our number of followers. Howeverrr, it’s much different for some of our favorite celebs.
In fact, Time is reporting that some of the biggest celebs have lost MILLIONS of followers already. According to Time, Katy Perry has lost 1.5 million followers and while that’s a pretty hefty number, it’s not nearly as much as Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and former President Obama, who each lost a reported 2 million followers.

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