Care Home Deaths – During Covid Pandemic

Lies and Secrets

We had the same or even worse situation in Swedish care homes where they even refused oxygen to the vulnerable elderlies having problems breathing. . . oxygen was a too complicated and possibly dangerous procedure to be trusted to the care home nurses.

My 94yr old nan was hospitalised. She’d also tested positive but wasn’t too poorly – no breathing issues just temperature- I spoke to her by phone and she was distressed and felt alone with no visitors allowed in hospital. So they sedated her and put her in end of life plan!

She died several days later – I was allowed to visit at the end, she was unconscious, breathing fine but with no intervention she was allowed to dehydrate to death.

She didn’t die of Covid she died of a policy of euthanasia. She was always afraid of hospitals as she believed they took away your control and were places to die… I’d tried to persuade her they were there to look after you and make you better – but in the end very sadly she was right.

I’m shocked and disillusioned by all this too John
Credit to : Dr. John Campbell

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